Bcrypt Password Generator

Last updated: 3 months ago
Generate Hash
Compare Password

★ Bcrypt Password Generator - User Guide ★

1. Generate Hash:

  • Password Input: Enter the desired password in the “Password” input field.
  • Salt Rounds: Choose the number of salt rounds. The higher the number, the more secure the hash, but it will also take more time to compute. Enter a value between 1 and 20 in the “Salt Rounds” input field.
  • Generate Hash Button: Click the “Generate Hash” button to generate the hash for the entered password using bcryptjs.
  • Generated Hash Display: The generated hash will be displayed in the “Generated Hash” section.

2. Check Password:

  • Check Password Input: Enter the password you want to check in the “Check Password” input field.
  • Check Password Button: Click the “Check Password” button to check if the entered password matches the generated hash.
  • Result Display: The result of the password check will be displayed in the “Password Check Result” section. It will indicate whether the entered password matches the previously generated hash.

Usage Tips:

  • Security Considerations: For production applications, it’s highly recommended to perform password hashing and validation on the server side instead of the client side to enhance security.
  • Salt Rounds: Experiment with different values for the salt rounds to find a balance between security and performance.
  • Remembered Hash: If you are working with a user authentication system, store the generated hash securely on the server. Never store or transmit plaintext passwords.
  • Browser Compatibility: Ensure that your browser supports the required JavaScript features and that you have a reliable internet connection to fetch the bcryptjs library from the CDN.